Speakers Club

by Brian Carter

'SPRINGTIME' was the theme set for members by chairman Graham McLachlan at the meeting on April 7.

The intriguing title Drumlins and Other Things introduced a vivid description by Keith Paterson of the coastal hills of Northern Ireland covered by apple blossom.

The word 'computers' may excite some and bore others but Eric Jennings took this as the basis for his session of off-the-cuff speeches where members were asked to talk for three minutes without the benefit of preparation beforehand.

Frank Riley spoke about the 'miracle' of computing while Peter Bradley talked about the faults and frustrations of using them. Peter Turner was asked if he was likely to become an 'advanced' user while guest, Treflyn Jones, stunned everyone with a description of 'Boolean Algebra' as the basis of computer science.

Brian Carter waxed lyrical about the power of e-mail and Eddie Fuller rounded off the session by telling everyone how he managed very well without one - he got others to do his computing for him!

Dennis Jones gave his first-ever general evaluation.

Visitors are always welcome to the club which is essentially a learning organisation. Owen Wallwork on 262282 has more details. The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 5 at The Village Hotel.