THEIR distinctive sound has invited comparisons to both Keane and Snow Patrol - and now Newton's rising music stars are aspiring to similar success.

After a recent BBC performance, indie rock band Morgan 4 have signed to Doncaster-based music label Native Records, with a view to topping the British music scene.

Led by 25-year-old vocalist Dave McNamarra, the line up includes Craig Smith, aged 22, on keyboard, bassist Jim Bull, aged 25, guitarist Ste Taylor, aged 26, and drummer, Nick Hughes, aged 28.

Dave added: "Our music is very melodic and indie with a rocker edge - the same genre as Snow Patrol and Keane. I'm a compulsive songwriter. I do about three songs a week based on personal experience and important things in our lives."

Some members of the band are no stranger to the brink of stardom - both Dave and Ste formed part of Starsailor's line up at different times before the group found international fame.

Dave continued: "I wrote songs with lead signer James Welsh until I was 18 years old. We both went to the same college. And Ste was with them five months before they got signed."

So far, the pinnacle of their career is playing a live set on BBC North's Raw Talent Show in March. Their debut single will be released next month with an album, Utopia, expected later this year.