A WISH list of priorities for the state-of-the-art expansion plans at Newton Cottage Hospital will go before health chiefs in the summer.

The list of what people want to see at the site was brought before a meeting of St Helens Council's health board last week.

And now they have received an assurance from bosses at St Helens Primary Care Trust that before building begins, the ideas from members of the public will be considered.

Clr Suzanne Knight, chairman of the committee, said she was delighted that people had been listened to. She added: "I am really pleased with these proposals. This scheme is innovative and it will be a huge benefit for all the residents of Newton.

"These are the top issues for people and although decisions will be led by finance, the board will rule on them and should be incorporated into the final plans.

"We are going to have a modern, state-of-the-art resource centre and all the services will be improved for people."

The responses were collected following three public meetings and talks with interested parties.

Top priority was to provide enhanced out patient services followed by increasing the diagnostic services, making sure the transport network was able to cope with the plans, a need for a small injury walk in centre and a GP and dentist service as all three GPs in the area are based in Earlestown.

The next five issues were mental health services, the need to protect Sims ward (put in as a memorial following the Second World War), an out of hours service, proper landscaping and adequate tertiary services.

Building work is planned to get under way in spring 2006 and the issue will go before the PCT board in June.