IT seems that Peel Hall Park, in Orford, may not be the only park in Warrington to be haunted by mysterious spirits.

Since the Warrington Guardian published a story about a ghostly figure caught on camera at Peel Hall, readers have been coming forward to tell their own tales of spooky goings on.

Irene Watt, of Mill Farm Close, says that she used to walk her dog in Radley Woods, 10 years ago.

That was until her canine friend started putting up a fight.

Irene, aged 74, said: "I used to take my dog walking in Radley Woods. Sometimes he'd be fine and then other times he'd just dig his heels in and wouldn't go anywhere near the woods.

"My friend, who had a pony and trap, used to say the same thing. Sometimes his horse would be fine and then other times he'd refuse to even go past there.

"I know animals are supposed to be more sensitive to things like that, but there was no budging my dog. He was terrified. There was something in those woods he didn't like, just like the pony."

And Irene has her own theories about what might have prevented her pet from entering the woods.

She said: "I live in one of the old Ministry of Defence houses that were part of Padgate camp during the war and I vaguely remember a water tower that was where the woods and the common are now.

"It was very hard for some of the young kids who were serving at the camp and I recall that quite a few hanged themselves from that tower."

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