THERE will be more noise and traffic if plans to expand Gulliver's World get the go-ahead.

That's what more than 60 residents told parish councillors at Westbrook library last week as they lobbied against the theme park's proposals.

More neighbours are expected to attend Wednesday's parish meeting to make clear their objections.

Terry Varty, aged 50 of Shackleton Close, said: "In reality, the Burtonwood Heritage Attraction will be a new theme park, with a hotel, leisure centre and conference centre and it's being dropped on our doorstep.

"As well as the increased noise, Cromwell Avenue is already an extremely busy thoroughfare and can't cope with any more traffic."

The residents are objecting to the development on the grounds that it is not appropriate for a residential area, will lead to a loss of precious open space, it is next to Ladies Walk wood, an important nature conservation site, and it will over look areas of beauty such as Sankey Valley Park.

There are also fears about road safety and increased disturbance.

The theme of the new centre being proposed by Gulliver's World, is based on Burtonwood's role in the Second World War and they have offered to house the Burtonwood Association which lost its headquarters recently.

Mr Varty said: "I want to make it clear that residents do not have a problem with the Association being based at Gulliver's."

Duncan Phillips, development director of Gulliver's Theme Park Group says he wants the development to be in harmony with local needs.

He said: "We don't anticipate much noise from this development and the main part of it will be indoors. Neither do we anticipate a great increase in traffic flow because coaches of school children, that already visit the theme park and then move on to a museum, will hopefully stay on site and visit the heritage attraction."