A JUDO club that was threatened with closure celebrates the official opening of its new base this weekend.

And now new members are being recruited to Warrington Samurai Judo Club's new centre in Wellfield Street, which boasts some of the best judo facilities in the north of England.

The club hit the news back in 2000 when landowners Peel Holdings submitted plans for a housing development at Manor Lock in Latchford - where the club was based.

A campaign to save the club from demolition was launched, supported by Kate Howie, who was sports minister at the time, and Peel Holdings agreed to offer a loan of nearly £225,000 to help the club relocate.

Roy Howland, of WSJC, said: "The club operates on a non-profit making principle with its team of coaches offering their services for free.

"It needs to extend its membership to cover its vastly increased costs in repaying the huge loan from Peel Holdings."

The club has two permanent contest areas on a sprung floor, which is crucial to avoiding injuries, and John Lawrinson, former British champion and Olympic squad member, coaches.

Training is on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and people of all ages and abilities are welcome.

The new club officially opens on Saturday (April 16) afternoon and will be launched by Lord Hoyle.

Roy said: "The club members want to thank Lord Hoyle, Kate Howie, John Lawrinson and all who have helped in the relocation to the new premises.

"Judo offers a very inexpensive and effective form of keeping fit, along with learning an excellent sport and self-defence technique."