A WARRINGTON couple have taken up the challenge to ride a tandem from London to Paris this summer.

Emmaus Christian Fellowship members David and Linda Plant, from Capesthorne Road, Orford, are supporting the charity Open Doors, which aids persecuted Christians worldwide.

Organised by Aid International, the charity provides desperately needed resources to help people who are suffering for their faith in countries such as Africa, central and east Asia and Latin America.

Linda said: "We frequently ride a tandem but have never done a sponsored ride like this. Needless to say we're in training!"

The couple will set off from London Tower Bridge on July 1 and ride to Newhaven, where they will catch a ferry to Dieppe, France.

The fundraisers will then cycle to Paris and complete the 187-mile trip when they reach the Eiffel Tower.

If you are interested in supporting Dave and Linda please contact them on 657015 or at the church office on 656447.

All cheques, made payable to Aid International, need to be in by May 8 due to the charity's regulations.