A WARRINGTON nurse starred in a film that was launched at the British Academy for Film and Television Arts in London.

Quiet Power stars Joanne Schofield, a clinical nurse manager who works for the Five Boroughs Partnership at Oakdean hospital unit in Culcheth.

Miss Schofield, from Hesketh Meadow Lane, in Lowton, became involved in the film after she was chosen to be a nursing ambassador for Nursing Standard magazine.

A group of 25 nurses were selected from across the UK as part of the magazine's Nursing the Future campaign, which aims to help re-brand the image of nursing.

The Warrington ambassador was chosen due to her innovative work caring for dementia patients and the award-winning articles she has had published, including a piece for Saga magazine.

She said: "It was quite an honour to be asked to be an ambassador and to be in the film.

"It shows that mental health nursing is just as important as general nursing."

The 36-year-old nurse can be seen with her partner Wayne McDonnell and family in a segment filmed at the LA Bowl, in Winwick.

Quiet Power looks at the modern role of nurses and aims to challenge public perceptions that while the profession is respectable, it is not a desirable career.

The film can be viewed on the Nursing Standard website, while any readers who would like a free copy of the film to use for recruitment or educational purposes can contact Jean Gray at the Nursing Standard,through www.nursingthefuture.co.uk