BETTER facilities are desperately needed to help Warrington rail users, according to a passengers' group.

Brian Simpson, campaign director of north west rail, said schemes must be prioritised to help passengers in Warrington.

He told a conference held at Manchester Airport that improvements are desperately needed at both Warrington Bank Quay and Warrington Central Station.

He added: "I appreciate that money is tight, but we are faced in Warrington with overcrowding at peak times, delayed trains due to congestion in and around the Manchester hub, and a lack of basic facilities at the town's major stations.

"If, as predicted, rail passenger numbers increase, then the problems will multiply, making the need to address them all the more urgent.

"Manchester is a rail bottleneck that affects services to Warrington and the whole of the north of England."

But the former European MP, who lost his seat in June, said there were improvements in the pipeline.

At Warrington Central, 100mph trains to Liverpool and across the Pennines will be introduced next year.