TODAY, Tuesday, is the final day for candidates to register themselves for this year's General Election.

Election hopefuls have until 4pm to hand in their registration slips with the full list of candidates announced an hour later.

It is expected that, as well as the candidates from the three major parties, there will be a number of independents announced and a candidates from the Community Action Party standing in Warrington North.

The Community Action Party has enjoyed a lot of election success in council by-elections in Wigan where it has challenged the Labour monopoly and they hope for some repeat in Warrington.

Meanwhile, the UK Independence Party has announced its two candidates for the town.

Jack Kirkham will stand as the candidate in Warrington North with Gerald Kelley will stand in Warrington South.

The pair this week issued a challenge to the other parties to scrutinise postal voting.

Helen Southworth defends Warrington South for Labour where she will be challenged by Clr Fiona Bruce for the Tories and Clr Ian Marks for the Liberal Democrats.

Meanwhile, Helen Jones attempts to keep Warrington North for Labour with Clr Peter Walker standing for the Lib Dems and Andrew Ferryman for the Conservatives.

For a full round-up of the candidates, catch Thursday's Warrington Guardian.