I FELT I must reply to the letters from Cllr Hodgkinson and Cllr Blackmore (Lib Dems), who both wrote letters in last week's paper trying to justify their disgraceful proposal to cut by a quarter the transport budget for people with disabilities.

Cllr Blackmore - you state that you have a son and a sister with special needs, if that is the case you should for ever more hang your head in shame.

You should have been fighting against your colleagues and opposing such a move.

Cllr Hodgkinson, your letter was a perverse comment on what you actually voted for on the night.

As for your glib comment that more taxi sharing would save money - my son has an assessment to determine his transport needs and this is the basis for taxi use and it is then social services' duty to provide the necessary transport.

At first I thought it was possible you did not understand what you were doing as you and your colleagues on the night were so confused, but now you are both trying to justify what you did.

The people with disabilities in Halton are still waiting for an apology.

If this is not forthcoming I will take every opportunity to ask people to vote against you.

D Cook,

Greenway Road,
