CAN anyone tell me how long it takes for a police officer to follow up a crime report?

I had the misfortune of being involved in a motor vehicle accident at the beginning of the month.

I was stationary at a junction when a vehicle crashed into me at the rear.

The driver then drove off without exchanging insurance details.

I reported the incident 15 minutes later to Widnes Police Station over the phone and gave the model and full registration number.

The following day I visited the station and made a full statement and handed my insurance documents over.

After numerous telephone calls to the police the incident has still not been allocated to an officer, almost two weeks later, due to a shortage of officers.

Therefore, the driver who hit me is still on the loose.

I have received an estimated bill for repair to my vehicle for £1,600.

I have insurance to cover myself but I will lose my no claims bonus because of the police's incompetence and I will have to pay £200 excess.

I have always abided by the law and have paid my insurance, MOT and tax on time, but now I am wondering whether it is worth it.

I am now contemplating not having road tax, insurance, etc, joining the dole queue, taking heroin, becoming a yob, therefore not having to pay council tax, part of which goes to Cheshire Police.

Plus with an election looming this does not bode well for any party campaigns.

Does any other law-abiding citizen agree with me?

Name and address supplied