PICCALLILI, cornflakes, beetroot and bin liners are just some of the surprising materials ingenious artist Carol Fidler has used - instead of paint.

Her incredible results - 24 imaginative and inspiring works of art - are making their debut in an exciting exhibition at Catalyst in Mersey Road, Widnes.

"I love experimenting," said Widnes mum Carol, 51, of Cronton, who describes herself as a 'conceptual artist'

"When I was at College, we had to do a pencil self portrait, go home and use other materials.

"I couldn't afford to go in an expensive artists' shop so I looked in my kitchen cupboard!"

By trial and error, Carol created her own image, with vinegar, mustard, tomato sauce, washing up liquid and shoe polish. Instead of a canvas, she used an old T-shirt!

"My tutor was delighted," she said. "Other students came back with small paintings, mine was huge."

Recycling and re-using is close to Carol's heart as she's an avid environmentalist.

"We should protect our planet, we only have one. My main concern is landfill. We should think before we throw anything away."

Carol scours skips, charity shops and bargain corners for frames, wood and materials.

She runs an after school club at Holy Family School.

"I love children. I'm very enthusiastic about everything and they're full of ideas. I buzz off them."

Just days after her exhibition opened, Carol was overwhelmed by the response.

"I'm absolutely amazed at the feedback," she said. "I've had offers of employment from various organisations and invitations to teach.

"I hope people go away feeling inspired."

Carol's work, including 100 images on power point, will be on show at Catalyst until August.
