HAND them back or explain it to the police.

That's the stark warning from Widnes Vikings to anyone thinking of using stolen season tickets at this Saturday's Leeds match.

"Anyone using them is breaking the law," said the club's media manager Andrew Kirchin. "But if they hand them back to the club then no further action will be taken.

"However, at the Leeds game we will be monitoring the turnstiles and anyone trying to use them runs the risk of being apprehended."

The dozen or so season tickets were stolen from a room at Halton Stadium and were marked up for use by Radio Merseyside, GMR and Wire FM.

The club is aware that some were used at last Sunday's Salford game and are giving whoever still has them one last chance to give them back.

"We accept that people may have unwittingly purchased these stolen tickets and that is why we are giving them a chance to hand them back," Mr Kirchin added.

"They are the only season tickets marked up like that in circulation."