NORTHWICH Victoria manager Steve Burr is refusing to rest on his laurels, despite leading his side to Nationwide Conference safety.

Burr is an ambitious manager and is already planning for next season.

He said: "Now we are safe I can start looking to next year and I'm already looking at other players who can come in and strengthen the team in areas that need addressing."

"What I can do all depends on what money is available to me for players and for wages and I've already had one meeting with the chairman and have another one scheduled for later this week when hopefully things will be ironed out."

And Burr is looking to build on Vics survival with a concerted effort to challenge for honours.

He added: "Nobody wants to start the season thinking about survival, the league is there to be won and that's what we should be aiming at as well as entering cup competitions to win them."

But whether that challenge will be as a full or part time side remains to be seen as Burr is yet to receive confirmation of the status of the club from chairman Mike Connett.

Whatever the decision, the manager, who must surely be a candidate for manager of the season, is looking forward to the future and is excited about Vics' prospects.