A MIDDLEWICH town councillor has been criticised for not carrying out the job that he was elected to do.

Clr Peter Hirst's role and responsiblities as a councillor were raised and discussed as an agenda item at Middlewich Town Council on Monday night.

The agenda item was led by Clr Alison Roylance-White, who expressed concerns about the council member's ability to solve residents' problems.

Clr Roylance-White said the issue was up for discussion after Clr Hirst, who was not present at the meeting, passed on a resident's concern that had been addressed to him directly without informing the councillors he had passed the problem on.

She said: "It is unfortunate that Clr Hirst is not here this evening. However, earlier this year Clr Hirst put out a political newsletter with his phone number on the bottom. He was contacted by a resident about a problem but he told them to contact Clr White and myself.

"I think that was wholly inappropriate. If you're there giving out your details you should be willing to follow concerns up."

She added: "I think that we have a strong enough council, regardless of what we vote and I feel that I could call anyone round this table for help. Over a period of years there are always times when, for whatever reason, personal priorities come first."

Commenting on Clr Hirst's conduct, Clr Simon McGrory said: "That is not acceptable at all."

Clr Paul Edwards added: "We are all ward members, there is no reason why when we are contacted we shouldn't take the matter up. That's what we are here for. I just cannot support Clr Hirst on this, he's not doing his job."

Clr Hirst was not available for comment as the Guardian went to press.