THE Winsford branch of the Royal British Legion is appealing to the community to help them thank veterans for their sacrifices during the Second World War.

A number of events have been organised to commemorate VE Day and VJ Day, including a veterans' party, but the legion is badly in need of help.

Debbie Clewes, Winsford branch secretary, said: "Despite writing to all the local businesses and shops the branch is very disappointed at such a poor response within this town. We hope that someone will come forward with offers of sponsorship, donations of goods that can be used as raffle prizes and offers of assistance with catering and transport for our elderly veterans."

The veterans' party is set to take place on July 30, although Debbie believes it may not go ahead if help is not found. She said: "Without this assistance we cannot possibly thank the veterans of this town for all they did.

"We need everything from food to bunting and transportation. Please show the veterans of this town that their sacrifices have not been forgotten by doing your bit."

Anyone who would like to help stage the commemorative events should contact Debbie Clewes on 01606 863198.