A WINSFORD student was fined £100 after his car collided with a motorcyclist in a fatal accident on the A54 Oakmere Road.

Andrew Robert Carr, 18, of Fallowfield Close, also had his driving licence endorsed with six penalty points and was ordered to pay £50 court costs when he admitted driving without due care and attention at Northwich Magistrates' Court on Thursday.

Father-of-one Colin Robinson was killed in the collision, which happened at 8pm on August 28 when Carr, currently in his first year at university studying biology and geology, was turning right off Oakmere Road into Foxfield Lane in his father's blue Ford Escort.

Karen Morgan-Reid, prosecuting, said: "Mr Robinson was a family man with a partner he'd been in a strong relationship with since they met in 1996 and formed a more permanent relationship with in 1997.

"They had a daughter together called Natalie who is now three years old."

She added: "He and his partner were very happy - they were planning to build an extension and planning in a few years time to marry.

"The consequences of the accident are devastating for the family, especially for Natalie who knows what happened but doesn't fully understand the implications of losing her daddy."

Aidan Carr, defending, said police had carried out a thorough investigation into the incident, which showed the speed of the motorcycle was between 75 and 86mph while the speed of the car was between 14 and 18mph.

He said: "This speed is consistent with an otherwise carefully executed right-hand turn."

Mr Carr added: "He cannot explain how he looked but didn't see the motorcyclist approaching - in all other respects his driving cannot be criticised.

"It was a moment's inattention and he admitted it at the very outset."