RESIDENTS 'hijacked' a police forum to express fears that vigilante action could be a possibility if police do not get a grip of anti-social behaviour.

The police open forum took place in the Civic Hall last Wednesday and a huge number of residents turned up to vent their frustrations over the response of police and community safety wardens to incidents of anti-social behaviour.

Mike Kennedy, chairman of Grange Residents' Association, said: "We have a good relationship with the Community Action Team but not necessarily with wardens and other agencies within the community safety partnership.

"It is evident from this meeting that there are issues on the Grange estate and in Winsford that are not being addressed by certain so called partners.

"It is now time that the true community had a voice.

"Vigilantism was expressed as a true possibility in an open police forum."

The main item on the agenda for the forum was police response times but this was largely ignored by residents who were more concerned with the issue of anti-social behaviour.

Town and county councillor Des Worthington was among the huge turnout of residents at the meeting.

He said: "People are sick to death with anti-social behaviour and are now prepared to defend their property with vigilante methods.

"The police officer chairing the meeting did his best to address residents' questions on serious issues.

"I suggested the problem in my view is a complete breakdown in community behaviour."

Insp Brian Roberts, from Winsford's neighbourhood policing unit, said: "The meeting was well attended and involved some very passionate exchange of views.

"I am now responsible for the policing issues in Winsford and I do not intend to hide from the issues that the community raise.

"I stated in the meeting that I will not take offence at criticism of the local police because if people are feeling so strongly about these issues they are not feeling safe in their neighbourhoods.

"I do not want to be giving unrealistic expectations to the Winsford residents but I have a real desire to achieve an improvement in the relationship between the police and the public."