CALLS have been made for CCTV cameras to be installed on more Winsford estates in an attempt to combat anti-social behaviour.

The move follows a report in last week's Guardian highlighting the success of CCTV cameras by residents in Wharton.

Colin Murray, chairman of Greville Residents and Tenants' Association, said: "I think it's a great idea and I would be very interested in having the cameras on our estate.

"They are going to have to rename the estate Fort Knox if I get my way and have all these cameras put in place."

The use of CCTV cameras by residents on Crook Lane led to the arrest of two youths after footage of them 'karate kicking' cars was handed over to police officers.

Mr Murray believes the scheme being pioneered in Wharton can also reduce crime on the Greville estate.

He said: "We have six entrances and six exits on the estate and if we can have a camera covering every one it will be a huge help.

"I have looked at it in the past but there has always been so much red tape - hopefully now we can get these things installed."

Mr Murray will meet with residents on Crook Lane to discuss how to get the scheme up and running on the estate.

One resident on Crook Lane, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, said: "It's great if other people take up our idea because it really could make a difference.

"I would be more than happy to talk to Mr Murray and explain what we are doing in more detail."