Gillian Nicholas, owner of The Potter's Wheel at Blakemere Craft Centre, was refused a grant of £5,000 to buy nine potters' wheels which would have been used by schools and community groups.

She said: "The Arts Council For England and Wales turned my application down because they said it wasn't improving artistic quality.

"But I strongly disagree with that because I have received a lot of interest from many people who want to give this a go."

Gillian, 32, extended her shop to accommodate the extra equipment and the news that she will not be given the grant has come as a major blow.

She said: "The council put me forward for this so I was quite confident that I would get it and I went through with the extension.

"It is going to be a real struggle over the next few months."

Despite being refused the grant Gillian, who has a degree in ceramics, is still determined to go ahead with the project and is now trying to raise the money herself.

She said: "It will take about six months but I'm confident I can do it.

"I've got a waiting list of people who want to have a go so it is really frustrating for me because not only am I losing money but people are losing out on a great opportunity.

"I am here to promote ceramics as a dying art form and I want as many people as possible to get into it.

"If anyone has a potter's wheel that they no longer use, maybe just lying in the shed, then I would be extremely interested to hear from them."

For more information on The Potter's Wheel, call 01606 301269.

Gillian's artistic companyplans fall flat