MAGISTRATES have ordered Social Services staff to find accommodation for a Northwich youth who was living in a shed.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in Northwich Youth Court on Wednesday last week to face charges of criminal damage and using threatening words or behaviour relating to an incident on February 25.

The teenager went to his father's house in Northwich at 10am and started to bang on the door.

His father heard him shouting outside but refused to let him into the house and told him to go away.

Despite his father asking him to leave, the 17-year-old continued to bang on the door causing damage.

Jane Morris, prosecuting, outlined the case against the youth and also informed magistrates of the problems surrounding his lack of accommodation.

She said: "The last we heard he was living in a shed on the Manweb site.

"He also has a previous conviction for arson in October last year."

Social services staff had tried to house the boy several times in the past but he chose to make himself homeless because the properties were not in the Northwich area.

Magistrates were extremely concerned about the fact a teenager was living in the shed and made an order requesting the authorities take action.

Chairman of the bench John Melville said: "We are genuinely worried about where you are living at the moment.

"We are going to direct that you reside as directed by the local authority."