LONG-AWAITED improvements to Northwich Market have been given the green light after Vale Royal councillors pledged to support renovation of the site at the latest executive group meeting.

Borough councillors confirmed last Thursday that more than £140,000 would be set aside for modernisation following a 12-month campaign by market superintendent John Green.

Now John Brade, National Market Traders Federation leader for Northwich branch and a haberdashery stall-holder for 32 years, said traders will meet with Mr Green to confirm where the funding should be directed.

He added: "We have discussed using about £58,000 to improve flooring, lighting and stall fascias in the indoor market and the £83,000 left over could be used to update all of the existing stalls, to implement a tannoy system and to install 19 lock-up units. No firm decisions have been made as yet."

Clr Keith Musgrave, chairman of the Best Value committee, said: "Obviously there are various suggestions at the moment of where the money will be used but the funding is great news for Northwich."

Mr Brade added: "All the traders are delighted. After all, it has been 20 years since any significant money was spent here.

"The market is very popular and on Saturdays we have people coming from as far away as Wigan and Oldham. If the market stays in a decrepit state, it's not a very good advert for Northwich."