PENSIONERS plagued by the anti-social behaviour of teenage yobs in Hartford have been praised by police for speaking out.

As reported in last week's Guardian, residents living in bungalows on Riddings Lane have been targeted by youths who have vandalised cars and gardens and stolen plants and garden ornaments.

One terrified couple, Scott and Elsie Turner, attended Vale Royal Police Forum and told officers there of their experiences.

Elsie, 65, said: "It was very, very good because they were prepared to listen.

"We are going to have a bobby on the beat on a bike and this is going to make all the old people feel so much safer.

"People want to see things going on - they want to see a policeman and want their security and confidence back."

She added: "I'm going to keep on until something's done about it because I'm doing it for everybody."

Chief Inspector Paul McHugh, who led the forum, said: "I'd like to thank the couple for speaking out about this problem and finding the courage to come along to a public meeting.

"We are an intelligence-led police force and we cannot begin to deal with problems if we do not know they exist."

He added: "I had a good chat with the couple after the meeting and I was disheartened to hear of their experiences."

As a result of the forum, Northwich Community Action Team will step-up patrols in the area and take a closer look at the problem in a bid to find a long term solution.