A BALACLAVA-CLAD intruder threatened a man with a knife during a robbery in Hartford on Thursday afternoon.

Police are appealing for witnesses or information after the incident, which happened at a caf in a picnic area, close to the A556.

The 39-year-old man was closing the cafe when the intruder entered the shop, threatened him with a knife and demanded cash from the till.

He then took a quantity of cash, left the cafe and was seen to run across the car park, past the white barrier at the entrance and down the deceleration lane towards Chester.

The intruder is described as male, 5ft 8in with short dark hair, of slim build, wearing dark clothing.

At the time of the incident he was wearing a dark balaclava but he was seen to remove it when leaving the cafe.

Det Con Ian Wetherall, from Northwich Police, said: "This is a serious attack on a lone victim.

"We are appealing to anybody with information about the incident, whether they happened to be in the area, recognise the description or saw anything suspicious, however small, to get in touch."

Anyone with information should ring Det Con Wetherall or Det Con Debbie Jakeman at Northwich CID on 01606 48000.

Alternatively, information can be left in confidence on the Crimestoppers line by ringing 0800 555111.