AN expert is assessing plans of a supermarket car park to see how spaces can be improved.

Booths said its estates director was considering how to create extra room for the disabled and parents with young children.

"They've taken a look at the plans and taken it to Graham Booth," said a spokesman.

"They're just deciding what space they can allocate to each party."

Last week the Guardian revealed that Booths might increase parking for the disabled and parents following complaints from customers.

An architect was due to measure the car park to see if changes were possible.

Earlier this month a mother complained to the Knutsford Guardian about parking at the Stanley Road store.

She said shoppers without children were taking up spaces designed for parents with youngsters.

Her letter encouraged other mothers to write in.

Then last week Pat Hutchings, who takes a disabled pensioner shopping, said there should be more spaces for the disabled.

The 63-year-old also raised her concerns during public question time at a Knutsford Town Council meeting.

Yesterday Booths said it did want to improve the parking, which includes four spaces for parents and eight for the disabled.

But as the Guardian went to press bosses did not know when a decision about the parking spaces would be made.

"They want to get it resolved as quickly as possible," said a spokesman.