CATHOLICS from Knutsford will be among the first people to be addressed by the new pope.

About 30 pilgrims from St Vincent's Church will visit Rome in May.

"The Pope himself was almost an historical landmark when we planned the trip," said Father John Joyce.

Father Joyce has led daily prayers at St Vincent's since Pope John Paul II died nearly two weeks ago. Last week their prayers were with the 115 cardinals who gathered in Rome on Monday to elect a new pope.

"We are praying for the wisdom of the Church and Christ to make the right choices," said Father Joyce, who has led the Knutsford church for nearly four years.

He said John Paul II had worked wonders in spreading the Christian message by travelling the world. He hopes the new pope will visit churches everywhere despite a temptation not too.

"We live in a different world now where what is said in Knutsford in 2005 reaches Australia in seconds," he said.

"John Paul took the message of the Church out into the world when previously the world tended to go to Rome."