'OUTSIDER' writes about the sausage roll society. He or she is quite right, but have they seen the size of the parents?

People scoff at the standards of the older generation.

Sitting down to a meal of fresh ingredients is a thing of the past in most families. Mum is too tired after going out to work and dad is drowning his fatigue in the pub.

We are a 'must have' society. Bigger televisions, computers, cars, mobile phones, designer label clothes - the list is endless.

All the things that really matter in life are only appreciated after a tragedy or a serious illness.

The media and so-called celebrities have a lot to answer for. Don't people realise it is all fantasy land?

No wonder the rich escape to second homes in remote places.

Unfortunately the rest of us have to get our values right, avoiding keeping up with the Jones's at home.

Although I was a child of the Second World War, a frightening time while it lasted, at least we all sat down to a meal of powdered eggs together and were grateful to be alive. We were also slim.