She then introduced the speaker Chris Symes, who gave a most interesting talk and slide show about his solo motorcycle journey through Europe, Asia and on to the Chinese border.

Members were reminded that next month's meeting would deal with the following resolutions which will be voted on at the national annual meeting at the Albert Hall, London in the near future.

Care of the environment will be discussed with a view to urging members to take further action to reduce waste and conserve resources and lobby manufacturers, retailers and decision makers to reduce waste in production, packing and transportation.

Members want to raise public awareness of the unfair difference between the retail price of milk and the price paid to the farmer.

An exhibition table demonstrating all the skills of the members, including poems, and pictures, to cakes and needlework, will be displayed at the next Whitley WI meeting in May. Sue Abbott will also display her computer web designs. Diary dates include a ramble around Cristleton on April 19, the book club on April 27, and the annual outing to Ripley Castle, Harrogate, on May 13.

Visitors are welcome to join meetings, which are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in Whitley Village Hall.