Members didn't want their April meeting to end.

Laughter and expressions of delight rang around the parish hall as they grappled with the task the speaker had given them, eventually leaving with some of the creations they had made.

The cause of their enjoyment was Snagger's Amazing Balloons in the shape of Alan Russell, aided by his wife.

Among a wide range of talents, Alan is an expert at creating fantastic balloon sculptures.

He is also an expert at conveying his enthusiasm and teaching others how to tackle the challenge of making balloons into something entirely different.

Members learned about some of the science of balloons - they are biodegradable for instance. Alan described how he became such an expert.

He produced some fantastic models, many at lightning speed and showed how to twist and weave balloons by demonstrating key steps in very slow motion.

He then put all of the slow steps together and challenged members to each make their own model dog from a long balloon.

Like all good teachers, the challenge was presented in a way that had every person in the hall wrestling with a balloon, and resulted in most producing a dog.

The models Alan produced were a demonstration of the techniques and range that he makes for commissions. At the end of the evening the models were used as raffle prizes. These included a magnificent overflowing bowl of fruit, a monkey in a palm tree and a pair of interlocking swans.

During the rest of April a variety of other activities were underway.

A quiz team from Warmingham takes part in the finals of the Cheshire WI competition, the reading group has its monthly meeting and members will take part in the village litter pick one weekend. The regular walk will leave from the hall at 6.30pm on Friday, April 29.

The next meeting, which will be held on May 4, will be in two parts.

In the first part of the meeting, members will learn about resolutions proposed for the WI national annual meeting and in the second part, the Bostock Buskers will provide entertainment.

Visitors are always welcome.

Meetings take place in Warmingham Village Hall at 7.30pm.

For further details ring 01606 737037.