LEAVING your premature baby in hospital can be very traumatic.

A new patient support group is now available for parents at the neonatal unit in Warrington Hospital.

Mum Donna Plumb launched the group after her daughter, Cara-Lia was born 27 weeks premature, weighing just 750 grams.

"I wanted to do something for the parents of the children on the unit," said Donna, whose daughter spent 12 weeks in the unit.

"It can be a very difficult time and I hope it will be helpful for parents to discuss their problems and feelings with each other."

She is keen to attract parents of former babies on the unit to get involved.

Many premature babies in Widnes and Runcorn were born at Warrington Hospital.

"They have been through what the current parents are going through," said Donna. "Their experience would be hugely beneficial."

Sister Debbie Yates, said: "A parent support group is a great idea. I hope that it can be successful and offer parents the chance to share their thoughts with each other."

Any parents of former babies on the unit wishing to get involved can contact Donna on 01925-820824.