HALTON Council won't help convert the Queens Hall Studio into a proper gig venue - leaving a music group 'gutted'.

Loose Music wanted to install rehearsal rooms and revamp the venue.

But Halton council has left the final decision to developers Marmalade, who are also taking control of the Queens Hall proper.

Jaki Florek of Loose Music said: "We are bitterly disappointed that the council have decided to give the venue to Marmalade, a large profit-making company.

"Our proposal would've provided a proper live music venue for the astonishing number of excellent local bands and musicians.

"And it would be a valuable and positive place for the young people to go, instead of hanging round the streets."

Jaki's group wanted to make the studio a community music centre complete with rehearsal rooms and recording facilities.

She said The Brindley couldn't cut it as a live rock venue.

"The theatre is fine for sitting and watching Belinda Carlisle, but you can't have a drink or dance and the studio is too small and has got no stage," said Jaki.

A spokesperson for Halton Council said: "The Council received proposals from two organisations that were interested in occupying the Queen's Hall studio.

"We took professional advice from a company that monitors social enterprise in intended projects and was advised by this company that neither of the proposals were sustainable.

"The Council cannot commit money into projects that have been deemed by an independent assessment as not viable.

"We have asked developers Marmalade to come up with an equitable solution."