THE GOVERNMENT says crippling cuts to a community fund are 'unfortunate' - but it won't change its mind.

It slashed the money from a community programme that funds everything from disabled rights groups, to sports clubs, to theatre groups.

The £50,000 cut has left them fighting for a cut of the money.

Kath Parkes, of Halton's Community Empowerment Network, which gives out the money locally, said: "The people who will suffer the consequences of this cut will be the people living in the most deprived areas."

A spokesman for the Government department responsible, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, said: "Although this action is unfortunate we will not be reconsidering the decision

"Our decision to reduce funds has not been taken lightly."

The department - which is currently the subject of a serious fraud investigation by Scotland Yard - also says breaking an agreement to give advance notice of funding decisions was 'regrettable'.

It told the network about the cut one working day before they announced their budget plans.

"They didn't comply with the 12-week notice and gave no reason why they broke it," said Kath.