IT'S business as usual in Earlestown as the new look market unveiled a £200,000 facelift on Monday.

As part of the 12-week makeover by St Helens Council, the market square was fully re-surfaced, new lighting and street furniture was installed and additional trees have been planted.

The work complements recent refurbishment work in the town which includes new shop fronts funded by the Single Regeneration Budget.

Despite the refurbishment the Newton & Golborne Guardian reported that the traders and council officials were at loggerheads in January and February after the work, completed in three phases, meant closures for each section for month-long periods.

This meant stallholders were forced to stop work temporarily, which they claimed damaged business.

Vincent Pocock who has been trading at the market for more than 20 years, said: "People will come back eventually, but while work has been going on, customers have changed their shopping habits, so we've been making peanuts.

"However we are working with the council to improve the situation."

Former St Helens mayor and Earlestown councillor Leon McGuire has welcomed the noticeable changes to the market and hopes it is the first chapter of regenerating the town.

Clr McGuire said: "The new look has transformed the square already. I'm sure it will be a major improvement, but what this ideally needed is a town centre manager to help advertise and oversee the town.

"This is an issue that has been put to the council and is currently under discussion."