MOORE was awash with community spirit on Saturday for a pioneering initiative to boost the area.

Enthusiastic villagers descended for the launch of the Moore parish plan to celebrate community life and build steps for future improvement.

A £5,000 grant provided by the Countryside Agency will be pumped into new schemes and revitalise existing groups.

Hosted by Moore Village Primary School, visitors from Halton Borough Council were invited along to the event.

Kate Finch, secretary of Moore Parish Council, said: "The idea of the parish plan is for residents, young and old to brainstorm and work together to see how best we can improve the village.

"It was an opportunity for people who live in the area to suggests ways Moore can move forward and growth.

"A guided walk took place on Moore Meadows. A highlight of the day was the quiz all about the village and its history."

Youngsters were also invited to write down their ideas for a new playground.