AUDLEM residents are demanding measures to reduce the number of heavy goods vehicles travelling through the village.

A survey of residents as part of the preparation of the village's Parish Plan revealed heavy traffic to be the most concerning issue for residents.

The questionnaires also highlighted the issue of further development, local facilities, and health and education provision.

The results of the survey, which involved local residents as well as the village's primary and secondary school children, will be fed into further consultation on the Parish Plan.

Seven working groups are currently working on key issues for the plan, and final proposals will be put out to the village for discussion later this year.

The Parish Plan is being prepared by Audlem Parish Council as a blueprint for the short and long-term future of the village.

Mike Hill, parish council chairman, said: "We would like to thank everyone who responded to the survey.

"If anyone still has a questionnaire to hand in, please pass it on to one of the steering committee members listed on the quesionnaire.

"Your views do matter, and we want to make sure Audlem remains a very special place to live."