KEELSUPPLY Earlestown Darts League side Viaduct B continued their quest for a sixth successive Joe Smith Trophy as they raced to victory against second division Railway.

Dave Pojunas and Dave Clarke both won in 13 darts, while other top marksmen were Les Wilkie, 15, Spike Jones, 18, and Steve Morse, 18.

Old Crow did the double over Millstone, with John Doolan victorious in 15 as they won the darts 6-3, while they also triumphed 3-2 in the dominoes.

Newton Social played their best darts of the season so far as they overwhelmed second division Viaduct A 8-1, with Stuart Bloxham winning in 15 darts, although Viaduct won the dominoes match 3-2.

An 18-darter from Billy Puzzar was the highlight as St Davids defeated Griffin 7-2 in the darts and 5-0 in the dominoes, while Swan edged out Vulcan Inn in darts and dominoes with a combined score of 7-6.

Teams are reminded that the home side is required to donate a minimum of £8 per fixture, with all monies raised in the competition going to a charity of the winner's choice.