RAILWAY workers were stunned when they found the body of a man lying on tracks in Crewe Station last weekend.

The body of Patrick James Francis Lakes, aged 33, of Claughton Avenue, Crewe was discovered by staff at around 4am on Sunday.

British Transport Police said he had been killed when he was hit by a train in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Although the death is not being treated as suspicious, police are appealing for anyone with information about what happened to come forward.

The body was discovered near to platform 12, and showed injuries consistent with being hit by a train.

Paramedics were immediately called out, and the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

It is believed a train being moved from one platform to another may have hit the man, as the station was closed to passengers at the time.

A BTP spokesman said: "A man was discovered on the lines within the confines of Crewe Rail Station in the early hours of Sunday morning. He had been struck by a train.

"There are a couple of trains that went through that line, and we're making enquiries with the shunters of those vehicles.

"They said that they didn't see the man at all.

"It was very early in the morning, so there were no passenger trains using the lines.

"It appears he was hit by a train being shunted from one platform to another."

A report has been submitted to the Coroner and an inquest was opened on Monday.

Anyone with information is urged to ring British Transport Police on 0800 405040.