A CYCLIST was dragged off his bike by a gang of yobs and kicked unconscious as he cycled home from work on Friday night.

Detectives are now hunting the teenage offenders, who also robbed the man's weekly wage in the vicious and unprovoked attack.

The robbers dragged the 37-year-old man from his mountain bike as he cycled home from work through the West End with a friend at around 10.45pm.

A Cheshire Police spokesman said: "The friend crossed the junction of Broad Street and Badger Avenue, but the man was stopped as the traffic lights changed.

"As he moved off again two youths broke away from a group of teenagers at the side of the road and attacked him.

"They pulled him off his mountain bike and kicked him about the head and body until he lost consciousness.

"A third youth joined in, but as the man's friend returned to help the whole group, including some girls, ran off down Badger Avenue towards Vernon Way.

"One youth stayed long enough to pick up the injured man's bike and throw it at him as he lay on the ground.

"The friend flagged down a white car and asked the driver to follow the teenagers. The car went in the same direction but wasnot seen again."

Having regained consciousness, the man, suffering from shock and facial injuries, was helped home by his friend before discovering an envelope with his week's wages of £210 had disappeared from his pocket.

Investigating the incident Detective Dave Lloyd said: "This was a vicious robbery involving a considerable amount of violence.

"We need to trace the attackers, and we'd ask anyone else who was in that group to think about the situation and contact us.

"We'd also like to hear from any other witnesses who can help with information, especially the driver of the car which stopped."

Anyone who can help should call DC Lloyd on 01244 613345 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.