Cheshire Police would like to respond to a letter, in the Guardian (April 14) entitled "It seems that there is one rule for the police and one for us."

Parking on pavements is illegal when it causes an obstruction for others who need to use footpaths.

Contrary to the author's belief, constabulary staff must abide by the parking restrictions on Arpley Street and are not permitted to obstruct the footpath. However, the section of land between the police station and the public footpath on Wilson Patten Street and the corner of Arpley Street is private property owned by the force and can therefore be used by employees for parking.

Parking restrictions on Arpley Street are regularly enforced and, where vehicles have parked illegally, the motorists, be they members of the public or constabulary staff, have received fixed penalty tickets.

All motorists, including constabulary employees, are advised to park their vehicles legally and with due consideration for other people. Anyone found blocking a pathway by parking on a pavement faces a £30 fixed penalty ticket.

Cheshire Police
