I am writing to put forward a policy for a community and social centre for the ageing population of Warrington to be provided in the town centre.

Our Association of Warrington Pensioners has campaigned previously and had support but no action. We feel that this is now a priority that must be addressed. The talents of the older community should be harnessed to give the community the spirit needed.

The centre is necessary because it would provide a focus point for the pensioners of the town, enable us to meet friends and socialise, a place to get together to share skills and talents, encourage each other to be more active and thus healthier and to become and feel valued as an integral part of the community. Organised effectively, it could assist carers to have a break and it would be run voluntarily by pensioners for pensioners.

Our previous support for such a centre came from Lord Hoyle, our two Warrington MPs, the borough council which has agreed in principle, the Chamber of Commerce, Trades Council and other smaller groups and churches. More than 1,500 signatures of agreement and support obtained in less than five hours.

Lottery monies could be made available to assist in providing a centre as this is the kind of project that lottery funding is designed to help.

A suitable area of the town would be near the proposed new bus station. Possibly Golden Square could incorporate our centre within its plans on Golborne Street. It is essential that the centre be close to public transport amenities.

What is needed is a large hall suitable for dancing, concerts, lectures, exhibitions and bingo; a cafeteria for light meals and beverages; toilets, male, female and disabled access and smaller rooms for activities such as crafts and hobbies. What is needed first is an agreement on a site, a small committee of officials to move the scheme forward and raise funding and the will to make progress.

The town has a growing ageing population and would indeed bring Warrington in line with most other towns that have this kind of facility.

Peter Haslam

Secretary, North West

Pensioners, Warrington Branch