I have lived in Birchwood since 1978 and I have watched the area grow and mature.

I have watched office block after office block appear likening this area to a 'clean' Trafford Park and at the same time I have also watched the tax demand from Birchwood Town Council grow at an alarming rate.

I am so concerned about this that I have recently carried out a little exercise and I would like to share the results with the people of Birchwood.

In 1993/1994 Birchwood Town Council demanded £10.79 for the year. The bill I have just received demands £81.74 for 2005/2006 for a Band D property. These figures show a total increase for 13 years, from April 1, 1993 to March 31, 2006, of 657.55 per cent or an average increase of 50.58 per cent per year.

Why do the residents of Birchwood pay so much more than other parishes in Warrington? Are we paying for the privilege of living in an area surrounded with office blocks and being burdened with traffic problems most days? Surely the businesses should be paying more of a share of the town council rates? Why does Warrington Borough Council allow this high demand from Birchwood Town Council?

If Birchwood Town Council is allowed to continue with the same size increases over the next 13 years then by the year 2017 it will be demanding a payment of £619.22 per year for a Band D property.

Surely this town council must be stopped. We pay enough to Warrington Borough Council without having this added burden of a high demand from the Birchwood Town Council.


Locking Stumps Lane
