I WOULD like to express my feelings in response to Susan Jones' letter (Guardian, April 7) 'Do you know what your children are doing tonight?'.

What she said has hurt my feelings. My son goes out with his friends at this time and frequents these areas. I know these children very well and they are all very well behaved. They have all been around to my house on many occasions and they all have very good manners.

I know for a fact that none of them drink or smoke cannabis. A few may have had one or two normal cigarettes (with permission from their parents), but they do not behave badly or abusively. The girls are some of the nicest girls I know. I have spoken to a lot of people in the Thelwall and Grappenhall area and they have all said the same thing, that they have never noticed anyone behaving badly and were very surprised when they read your letter.

My son always tells me where he is going and keeps his phone on him so I can make sure I know where he is. I would like to ask where you have the proof that the children were smoking cannabis? I would also like you to know that you have upset a lot of parents with your remarks.

