COMMUNITY group, Genesis Lifestyle Club, promotes mental and physical health through sport, recreation and music.

The group, started in 2002, is the brainchild of Jack Houlston, a registered mental health nurse, who also runs the club.

When the old Winwick Hospital closed down the social therapy department went with it.

Jack, who worked in the unit from 1982 until its closure in 1997, consulted with patients, ex-patients and a number of health care professionals and decided to continue the activities run in the department.

The Genesis group now meets once a week for music, and is open to anyone who has mental health problems, their carers and families.

The group has, in the past, had valuable tuition from musicians, sponsored by the Pyramid, and hopes to be able to extend this facility, using the limited number of instruments available at the centre.

One group member said: "My involvement with Genesis has, besides being therapeutic, given me a new lease of life. I thoroughly enjoy being able to make music in a relaxed and informal atmosphere."

Many of the group members agree that the benefits, both in terms of health and musical satisfaction, have been enormous.

For more information about Genesis Lifestyle Club, call Jack Houlston on 573828 or e-mail