THE cold snap hit sport hard for Warrington Anglers' Association members at the long-awaited re-opening of Cicily Mill Pool.

Most members struggled for a bite and the only consolation was that they could reach their pegs easily and sit in comfort!

Bill Singleton was driving to the Bridgewater Canal on Monday and had a change of heart while driving along Ackers Lane, choosing instead to fish Acker's Pit armed only with a tin of sweetcorn. He reeled in more than 20lbs of roach from 4ozs to 8ozs plus two tench of around lb. He pole-fished at 10 metres and introduced a few grains regularly to keep the fish in his swim.

Tim Antrobus used small nymph patterns to fool brown trout to slightly more than 1lb on the River Alyn on Sunday. He also had lots of small grayling and a surprise rainbow of 2lbs.

As no rainbows have been stocked for many years, this means it can only have been an escape from a trout farm. This is a matter of concern as 'unofficial' stocking, accidental or otherwise, can introduce disease to the native fish population.

Biffa are underway with the pathway remedial works at Grey Mist Mere. It should be finished shortly, giving an end to the muddy conditions previously experienced. On the Mist over the weekend Richard Monks had three mirror carp to 16lbs and two tench, the best weighing in at 6lbs.

I spent the weekend with WAA chairman Chris Grehan at the National Federation of Anglers Conference at Cheltenham - attending is necessary if you have any concern for the future and protection of our sport.

At the opportune moment I asked what was the current situation regarding the coarse fish close season on rivers - a notice of motion from last year instructed the NFA to badger the Environment Agency to hold a full national poll among all national licence holders.

Sadly, the EA stated that they had already conducted a 'poll' among anglers - just 800 people!

This hardly representative or conclusive method should have canvassed all licence holders by a simple 'yes or no' box at point of sale and would have settled this contentious matter once and for all, bearing in mind that the salmon and freshwater review group set up by the Government recommended that there was no known scientific reason for a close season on rivers.

A few members have still not got the message regarding the payment of subscriptions. All members must be able to produce paid-up cards to bailiffs otherwise they will be asked to leave the fishery.

Contact me with any catch reports on 01928 716238, fax 713898 or e-mail HQ Parker Street will open as usual tomorrow, Friday, between 7pm and 9.30pm.

Frank Lythgoe

Results: Woodshaw Reservoir Junior Series: 1, Liam Berry 5lbs 1oz 0drms; 2, Richard Chung 3-10-0; 3, Thomas Cottam 3-3-8; 4, Mike Chung 3-2-8. Disabled and Over 60s: 1, Ron Durr 4-12-0; 2, Ken Graham 3-7-0; 3, Harry Newton 3-2-10; 4, Eddie Cook 2-10-12.

Coming events: Saturday: Briars Cup Open, draw 10am, on bank (pegs 570-670). Book with Chris Grehan on 635373. Monday: Disabled and Over 60s, draw 10.15am, Star Inn (pegs 100-144). Woodshaw Reservoir Junior Series, draw 5pm in car park.