LYMMVALE has been fishing well and Lymm Angling Club member Peter Carmichael made the most of the good form to enjoy a productive session.

He targeted tench and landed eleven averaging between 5lbs and 6lbs, with his biggest weighing in at 8lbs 7ozs 0drms, while a barbel of 5-5-0 and a mirror carp of 18-12-0 were also among his catch.

However, Peter's fish of the session was a male tench of 6-6-0, which has become his personal best of that gender. He was legering double maggot on a size 16 hook, tied to a 6lb line.

The 100th annual conference of the National Federation of Anglers took place at the weekend.

As in all angling organisations the number prepared to involve themselves in practical roles is in serious decline - a situation that has accelerated over the last few years.

The conference was only just allowed to take place as the required quorum of 40 member clubs was narrowly met.

As is required by most angling organisations, changes are being made, and it is my opinion the newer, slimmed down NFA will be more efficient, more responsive and better value for money, with required changes already being made.

So what is happening in angling? Why do participants not wish to get involved in assisting angling clubs in its operational and administrational requirements?

In my view there is nothing sinister in this changing trend at all - it's just a sign of the times, where people wish to just 'pay and play', and organisations have to adapt appropriately.

At Lymm AC we believe we are meeting this challenge head on, and measures already taken have been successful - the downside is it does cost the membership in necessary increases in subscriptions.

Back to fish and fishing. Most waters are producing well although the star performer must be Village Pool.

Chairman Eddie Rothwell, who is recovering from a serious bout of flu, had his spirits raised by a fabulous session on this little jewel of water.

He spent most of Sunday's daylight hours on the bank, working to landing what he estimated was more than a 100lb haul of bream, roach, perch and rudd, which left him exhausted but happy.

Big silver orfe are keeping anglers on Spring Pool very happy, although it is always worth spending a little time locating them first.

If no-one is catching them, look to fish the areas where the wind is blowing and seek a feature.

As these fish happily feed off the surface, it is common sense to deduce that they will feed the areas where the wind is blowing food - carp are just the same.

A little stealth is required in order to prevent the shoal moving from their chosen spot, although their instinct will make them return if other anglers don't intercept them with their feeding regimes.

It is infuriating to watch certain anglers bagging up when you are struggling for a bite, but you can rest assured that their success is a result of either his - or her - reading of the conditions and knowledge of the feeding habits of their chosen quarry.

I can be contacted on 411774, but please be prepared to leave a message.

Neil Jupp