WITH the General Election looming politics students from Priestley College travelled to London to visit Parliament and observe a debate in the House of Lords.

The AS-level politics course group were given a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament, where they were able to see various MPs and cabinet ministers going about their daily business.

The students sat in the public gallery of the House of Lords, where questions were tabled on issues such as the state of the British railway system and the situation Zimbabwe.

A look at an exhibition on the development of parliamentary democracy was followed by a trip around Whitehall and a visit to the hub of British politics, 10 Downing Street.

Mark Salmon, politics tutor, said: "The day out in London was a real eye-opening experience for the students.

"The chance for the students to visit so many notable landmarks could not be underplayed at a time when politics is at the forefront of many people's minds."

SEAT OF POWER: Priestley College politics students at the Downing Street gates

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