Melanie Moore

OK, so it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind and a bloddy good job too.

When I first had the pleasure of listening to Razorlight's latest single release, Somewhere Else (double A-side with Keep the Right Profile), I must have been having a bad day. I couldn't wait to turn the damn thing off!

I feared age and middle of the road purgatory may be getting the better of me so, wisely as it turns out, I decided to give it another go a little more than 48 hours later. I take it all back.

This is not half bad track. Yes it is more than capable of inducing a rather painful migraine if listened to at the wrong time but persevere and eventually it gets in your head in a good way.

The acoustic opening paves the way for a far more upbeat song which gathers pace until you really can't help singing along - not a good idea if the windows open and you've got a passenger but hey, I could always blame it on my age.

Keep the Right Profile, on the other hand, really is the work of the devil and if you listen to this track more than once, have plenty of nurofen to hand.