BLUE badge disabled parking holders have been angered by the decision of Cockhedge Shopping Centre management to withdraw their parking concession.

The store says it is reviewing its parking facilities in order to fall in line with Disability Discrimination Act legislation.

Jean Pale of Hillberry Crescent said: "Disabled people now have to pay the normal charges, something which I find appalling.

"There are very few disabled spaces and it is often difficult to find one - now we have to pay for the privilege."

Colin Whitfield, access advisor for the Warrington Disability Partnership, said: "To my knowledge there has been no consultation regarding either the programme of works or the withdrawal of the concession."

Mr Whitfield warned that the action could lead to a loss of custom and, in turn, lead to higher parking fees.

He said: "The proprietors should repeal this unfair and economically suicidal decision to ensure that blue badge holders are not penalised for being disabled."

Cockhedge centre management said that they would be increasing the number of bays designated for disabled users and redesigning them so they are more distinguishable.

A spokesman for the centre said: "The cost of doing this is substantial and will result in an overall reduction of bays within the car park.

"We also continue to look at ways of ensuring that these disabled bays are not abused by non blue badge holders."

He stated that it was necessary to remove the concession because of the redevelopment and maintenance costs and that all users of the car park are still entitled to two hours free parking if they have made a minimum spend in Asda.

He said: "We believe that by making these changes we will conform to the new law and importantly, every user of the car park will be treated in a fair and equal manner."