FORMER council leader Mike Hughes returns to the political arena on May 5 - 18 months after his controversial exit from the Town Hall.

Mr Hughes was famously de-selected from the Labour party during a tumultuous six months which saw a number of high profile councillors leave the party.

He was replaced as leader soon after and launched an unsuccessful bid to win back

his council seat in June.

Now he has launched a challenge to new Labour under the hat of the Community Action Party - which has successfully won council seats in Wigan.

He said the majority of people were fed up with politics and the Blairite policies of Labour.

He added: "They are increasingly seen as untrustworthy, cynical and corrupt and I feel there is a need to bring honesty

and integrity into politics.

"The three main political parties are huddled together in the perceived centre of politics to the extent where you can't tell the difference between them.

"It is time we had a breath of clean air in politics so people can start to believe that their views really count."

Mr Hughes is now the leader of the Warrington branch of the Community Action Party.